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Category:Box 065

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Box 65 contains Bentham's further writings on his proposed Penal Code, dated between 1810 and 1827.

Detailed contents of this box are as follows:

  • Folios 1 to 19: Penal Code - rudiments [marignal outlines]; 1823, 1826-182728
  • Folios 20 to 39: Penal Code - prefat, introduction, plan of the work; 1826
  • Folios 40 to 53: Penal Code - form; 1826
  • Folios 54 to 137: Penal Code - offences affecting person, offences affecting title and property, offences affecting title and power; 1818, 1826, 1827
  • Folios 138 to 170: Penal Code - Liberty of the Press, offences affecting reputation; 1810, 1817, 1818
  • Folios 171 to 236: Penal Code - offences affecting condition in life, prefat and generalia; 1818, 1826
  • Folios 237 to 255: Penal Code - remedies; 1826, 1827, 1828
  • Folio 256: Penal Code - offences affecting trade; 1826

Folios from box 65 which have already been partially or fully transcribed are listed under the progress bar below.

Box 65 Progress: Transcription begun

Untranscribed: 268
In Progress: 1
Ready For Review: 0
Completed: 8
Total: 277

0Completed: 8(2.89%)277

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