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Circulating Annuities Table 2nd under part. —
Form of a proposed ANNUITY NOTE on the plan of Half Yearly Interest.
Face of the Note.
N<hi rend="underline">o._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Price and Value
besides Interest,
£ s d
Rate of
3 per Cent
1st January
A.D. 18
to the
_ _ _ _ _ _
A.D. 18
This Note, price and value twelve pounds sixteen shillings besides
Interest, intitles the Bearer to a farthing per day, from the first of January
last, for ever, out of the Consolidated Fund; but subject to redemption
on payment of the above sum with Interest.
The above Interest is paid Half Yearly and the Interest of each Half Year may
be received any time not earlier than [ ] days after the last day of such
Half Year, through the medium of any local Annuity-Note Office, in Town or
Country; previous application having been made at the same Office not less
than [ ] days, nor more than [ ] days before such last day, and such
other Conditions being observed as may be seen at every such Office.—
The Fee, to be paid at the Office on the Purchase of this Note one penny
and no more: on exchanging the same for a fresh Note one farthing.—
Issued at the principal Annuity-Note
Office in St Margaret's
Street Westminster,
this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day
of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1801
by order of me
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Auditor of his Majesty's Exchequer:
and by the hands of me
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Issuing Clerk.—
of the
of the
From an Engraving
on Copper:
with a Legend
in the Contours.
N<hi rend="underline">o
Issued at my local Annuity-Note
Office in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day
of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
one thousand eight hundred and one
by me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Office Keeper.—
By Statute 40G.3.c.15 the faith of Parliament is pledged, that no Annuity-Note,
conveying a perpetual redeemable Annuity payable to Bearer, shall
ever be issued as such price as is to give a higher rate of Interest than is given by
this Note; and that no such Annuity Note shall ever be paid off without the consent
of the Holder, while any redeemable Stock Annuities continue unredeemed.—
For security, in cases of truest conveyance by Post, &c. the head price of this Note
may be separated from the body, by cutting it across through the waved line. An account
of the Uses and Purposes of such division may be seen at the said several Post Offices.—
By Statute 40G.3.c.15 conterfeiting &c the Portrait of any
Public Officer on an Annuity Note is Forgery: the having in ones possession without special
license any drawing or Plate &c designed to represent such head is presumptive evidence of
such Forgery; punishment, Death: like provision in respect of the counterfeiting this type.
<head>Back of the Note<head>
I. Daily Interest or Augmentation Table: _
<p>Showing the value of thisNote for every day in the Year, as the same is increased by
the addition of daily Interest___ No Interest for the last day of any Year; nor for the 29th of
February in a Leap Year: nor for the day on which the note is payed [a line that has been cancelled, difficult to interpret]
[A table with numbers follows]