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Annuity Notes
II Stock

P.10 Art.26

| 14| [.. A further number &c] It may appear
at first sight, as if the this article
might if peculiality excecuted be sufficient
to supersede the use of Applications altogether.
This however will by no means be the case, especially
in the remote parts of the Country. The
number of Cheaper Notes intrusted to the several
Distributors being a limited number, determined
by prudential considerations, it may easily happen
that before a supply can be sent from the
Head Office - sufficient to fill up the gap occasionedproduced
by sales already known to have taken
place, applications may come in to more than
the amount of the remaining part of the Stock.
It may even happen not infrequently that the
demand may number of Notes applied for by a
single customer may be sufficient not only to
take off whatever may happen at the time
to be amount of the Stock remaining as the time
but even the whole supply or more than the
whole supply intrusted to that Office. If for example
if 50 Notes, (value as little morevalue 300 guineas
besides interest) were to be allowed stint, ten A
favor a dozen frugal manufacturers, applying tog in concert
from the same manufactory, or the stock of a
single Friendly Society, would be suf adequate to the
production of such an effect.


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