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1820 Apr. 28
J.B. to Spain – Emancipate Your Colonies Topics

1. No more reason why
Spaniards should govern
Creoles than any service.
. p.2

2. Spaniards dont love
Creoles more than themselves

3. Spaniards dont know
more of Creoles than
themselves do. p.1

4. What will Spaniards
at large get by governg
Creoles? They will
generally lose.

5. Whatever they might
think to get by governg
they would really get
without governing.

6. Nothing would they
get by taxes: With
the examples of the
Anglo-Americans and
the independent Creoles
the dependent would not
continue to pay taxes.
. p. 12, 13

7. Sole source of revenue
the King's part of the
income. But this would
be more than absorbed
for by the permanent establishment,
and Naval for defence
of dependent Creoles against
so many other
nations independent
Creoles, Anglo-Americans,
Portuguese, English, French.

Sole remaining superior
advantage – nomination
to Creoles Offices of power
and of Spaniards
to in preference to
natives. But this expense
would be as immediately felt
as taxation, more so by

---page break---

9. Receiving Deputies
is a mere pretence: no
security: sole use the act
where there is a competition
of interest between Spaniards
and Creoles: and thus they
will be constantly out numbered.

10. There would be a
sham representedness like
the British.

11. If No security that
the Deputies from the different
Creole Provinces would
in a competition with the
Spain regard themselves
as having the same interests.
This a further
weakening to the insufficient

12. Anyone who were
worth purchasing bought
might be purchased by the
Spanish Administration.
All expectation of parity
would be inconsistent.

13. To The interest of the
Spaniards at large do
of Spanish rulers and
influentials is opposite.

14. Rulers can not think
to profit but by patronage

15. Merchants (Cadiz)
can not think to profit but
by monopoly which is
an indirect tax

16. The patronage looked
to by Rulers is composed
of the patronage by
appointment to Offices in
Creolia, and do by appointment
to do in Spain
to keep defend Creolia
and keep it in subjection

---page break---

17. If any endeavour is
employed to keep light out
of Creolia, it will be odious
and unsuccessful.

18. If no endeavour is
used, light will come in
still more easily, and in
proportion as it does come

19. Reason is ag therefore
against you, and you
can not prevail by force.

20. No pecuniary national
advantage but by saving
on taxation: and taxation
will be increased.

21. So much patronage,
so much of the matter of
wealth operating as matter
of corruption.

Identifier: | JB/008/011/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 8.



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Main Headings

emancipation spanish

Folio number

"a" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 11.

Info in main headings field

jb to spain emancipate your colonies topics





rudiments sheet (brouillon)

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jeremy bentham


j dickinson & c<…> 1813


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a. levy


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Notes public

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