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4. That, whereas for the continuance of the dominion,
promises of profits to them as well as to yourselves have by certain
persons have to you, are these promises from being
accordant that
While from the continuance of the claim
and of the dominion itself was it capable of being continued all whatsoever promises have been made of good in any shape stand
these promises would condemned to remain for ever disfulfilled, from the in the simple relinquishment
of it I see that by which they would all of them be fulfilled: fulfilled – to your own benefit
in the first place, to the benefit of those your distant kinsmen
in the next place, and thence again to yours: fulfilled even if only by that
proforma which, as between man and man, to them be beneficial but peace the nature of man and the nature
of things concurr
in securing to all
those who are sharers
with one another in
the same language:
and this with or without their
other points of identify
which are common
to you and them –
the same customs
the same religion
and in their origin
and in new a necessarily
and everlastingly
large part of their
the same

5 That, On the score of honour, should any objection
be made to the relinquishment, I see in every such objection that which is either senseless,
or ungrounded and false. that By any such relinquishment
so far from your being honoured lowered in the esteem of other nations,
you would be I see you raised: that Neither in the relinquishment itself,
nor in the persuasion, that by it your place in the esteem of
other nations will be raised, by it, is there any thing romantic
or extravagant? No, nor yet in the practice of such relinquishment,
any thing unprecedented. On the part of those governments indeed
which have for their all-comprehensive object of pursuit or end in view the
the greatest happiness of the ruling one, whether alone or in connection
with that of the sub-ruling few, to the sacrifice of
such self-command, like every thing else that is beneficent and
truly honorable ⊞ is but too uncontrovertibly unprecedented: Butbut on the part of that the only government, which
not only professes to have, but on all occasions actually has for
its all-comprehensive object or view of pursuit the greatest happiness

of the greatest number, no, – I speak of the Anglo-American States:
and for for in that confederacy of Representative Democracies, I
will show you various instances of such relinquishment:
relinquishment made, in some instances, not only voluntarily but spontaneously:
and In showing you this, I will not merely show you
how they are already honoured – raised in the esteem of
nations foreign to their own. I will force you yourselves to
honour them: I will raise them in your esteem, do what
you can to hinder me: such is the power of reason over
minds prepared and willing to receive it.

Yes: in my view of this matter, No two objects can in their own nature be more intimately
connected, than are the interests of the two great parties:
nothing more perfect and identical than the
interest they both have, in being, in respect of Government,
separate. Forced under one and the same Government,
the two families have been, are, and never can
cease to be, continual and irreconcileable adversaries even enemies
enemies – not only each to the other, but each to itself: separate,
they will be, each in harmony with itself – each to the other, a nearest and dearest

Identifier: | JB/008/123/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 8.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

rid yourselves of ultramaria

Folio number

"a" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 123.

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copy/fair copy sheet

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john flowerdew colls



Paper Producer


jeremy bentham

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Notes public

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