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this unhappy moment in India, a man may not report
in the Newspapers, the verbatim completed Proceedings of a Court of
Justice – still less make any comments on what passes. – Very
recently Mr Fair the Editor of a Bombay Newspaper has been transported
at a few day's notice to England (viâ China) ruined in short
for reporting what he offered to prove by multitudes of witnesses on
oath, to be a literal and true report of what passed in Court –
he was not allowed to do this, but was required by Gov<hi rend="superscript">r. Elphinstone</hi>
and his Council at the instigation of the King's Judges –
West and Chambers – to admit that what he had published was
false, or to be ruined. He was accordingly transported, the Judges
not choosing to exert their power in their own Court – of raising the
question of contempt – such are the facts, they speak for themselves.
If such be the system approved of at home, and to be acted on
abroad, of what avail can it be to make Judicial reforms of any
sort? but in particular what rational hope can there be of effecting
so great a change as that of admitting the natives of India
to take any real share in the administration of Justice among
themselves? But we shall be told – if the Press be set free to touch on
Judicial matters, who shall restrain it in politics, or hinder it from
becoming the vehicle of safe complaint against oppression? As to
the latter, what honest man or honest Government, considering itself
the equal protector of all its subjects would wish to shut up any avenue
by which the complaints of the weak and the wronged
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