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INTRODUCTION. Dimensions of Happiness.
As one side only considered
[ ] v. Note
Critical Jurisprudence, might, I think it should seem be
defined, the knowledge of happiness and
unhappiness in as far as they are attainable
by regulating the actions conduct of men towards one
another [or towards themselves]
Happiness is the aggregate of
P is the of d [-]
Utility act [a ]
is the disposition of that act as a to
produce happiness as it's effect
The utility of 2 Acts is to each other [as the 5 dimensions]
The Purity of Impurity of a [P or] Pleasure
is the difference in magnitude between it and
a pain issuing from the same cause: [This difference if the
Pleasure is greater than the Pain, is it's Purity:
if less, it's impurity]
attendant (shared
It may be convenient, for the purposes of discourse,
to depart in some degree from the
strict import of the terms, and to speak of a
pleasure as being pure+, as having a certain degree
of purity, if the difference be to any amount
+ Qu. Qualified
Pleasures simple are pleasures of mind alone
or of body alone. Pleasures mixed, are of the mind
& body both
of pleasure.
regards it's constitution
The simplicity or mixedness (ext) purity or impurity of a
pleasure regards it inasmuch as it is a pleasure
It's simplicity or mixedness is predicated of
it according to the unity or duplicity of it's with reference to it's source
+ Qu. whether
the source here or
Money is a cause of pleasure to the possessor in its genuine
nature: it is a cause of pain by accident.
If, in the instance of any given individual sum, no accident
by which it should become a cause of pain, appears,
it may be taken for a pure cause of pleasure.
about this there is —
The same quantity sum of it is not always a cause of equal
pleasure to one man as it is to another: but
if in the instance of any given particular sum
no reason appears why it should be a cause
of more pleasure to one of a couple of given
persons than to another, it may be taken for
a cause of equal pleasure to both.
GE II Dimensions of Happiness.
---page break---
of on that side: If there it have no attendant pain
it may then be stiled absolutely pure
When from the same cause there flows a pain
and pleasure: the effect, if they be contemporaneous synchronous
may be stiled pain or pleasure simply according to their
predominance: if the pleasure come first and
is the greatest a pure pleasure: it it comes after-
--most, and is the greatest, an impure pain:
if on the other hand the pain comes first and is the greatest,
a pure pain: if the it comes aftermost and
is the greatest, an impure pleasure.
Qu. whether "Qualified" might not be substituted
instead of purity in the nil proper sense
If Actions may be termed indifferent, whereof the effect is apathy+.
— and the same might be said of
Note +
or to speak more
strictly such action
has no real effect at
all: such
effect may be
by the
Such absence of effect
contemplated as concomitant
to one action
or event, may however
be characterized
by this name
Pleasures of the mind are either pleasures
of possession of expectation — and
is of pain.
Possession — Expectation.
It is a Pleasures of possession where the cause is present:
it is a pleasure of expectation where the
cause is conceived of as to come.
Pleasures of the body are all pleasures of possession.
Causes fit to produce when present pleasure in possession,
produce pleasures of expectation, when future
or conceived to be so —
I say, when conceived to be so — for it makes
no difference to the reality or the magnitude of
a pleasure of expectation whether on one hand the
cause be real and future: or on the other hand
either real in specie, the but individually not future,
or unreal [and imaginary only] in specie and thence
also individually not future.
A Lover I may never enjoy his the Mistress: of my affections: but
if he I have more pleasure in thinking that he I shall
than he I have pain in thinking that he I does not,
he I have a pleasure of expectation as real while it lasts, as if it were destined that he
I should.
There are no Houris, consequently a Mussulman Hassan
will not enjoy no such beings in another world:
but if he has more pleasure in thinking that
he shall than he has pain in thinking that he
does not, he has on this score a pleasure of expectation, as real
while it lasts as if it were destined that he
Dimensions of
[BR.][] Axioms. [6]
Pain of Privation — Pain of Sufferance — Pain
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introduction dimensions of happiness |
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