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Logic or Ethics
7 Sept 1814
Ch Object
§. Purity & Impurity
Impurity heightened by pleasant
. rendered economical impure .
The more heightened, the more impure, is matters in.
Physical impurity, whether imbued or not by pleasure in any shape
constitutes not a just cause for punishment: pleasure stands under
the pain impure and the greater the pleasure the more preponderant
the impurity of the pain.
Annexed to the word Of all the several distinguishable
ideas conceptions that have ever been annexed to the word attribution
pure, the most original and most extensively annexed
seems to be that in which it is employed to designate
the absence of any every substance foreign to that
which being liable to be found mixt with the substance
in question—with the substance of to which this attribute
is stated as belonging—is different from it
and foreign to the purpose, whatsoever it be, for which
it is proposed to be employed.
Purity its original
physical sense
When water is alone employed for drink or in the preparation
of food, water is liable to be comb in a state
of mixture or combination with a variety of substances
of w many of which would render it less fit, none more
fit for the purpose for which it is employed. In proportion
as it is free from all such foreign admixture, it is accordingly
termed pure: in proportion as any such foreign
admixture substance is regarded as being present in it mixt or combined with it, impure.
Flower would be rendered impure by an admixture of
Coal dust: Coals themselves when in a scuttle would be rendered
impure by a sprinkling of flour or hair-powder
Where the foreign part is regarded as unwholesome or
offensive to sense, proportioned to the supposed degree of unwholesomeness,
or the degree of offensiveness, whether to sense
or to imagination, is the degree of impurity ascribed to the impurity.
Identifier: | JB/014/056/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 14.
1814-09-07 |
not numbered |
014 |
deontology |
056 |
logic or ethics |
001 |
text sheet |
1 |
recto |
jeremy bentham |
4819 |