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1831 April 2
J.B. on Registrations(1)

4. 1. First object to be accomplished the accomplishment of which
is to be endeavoured at a minimization of the expense: namely
the expense to the public.

1. on this occasion, these – 1. Site of Building. 2. Size of the Building.
3. Division into Apartments, with Chambers and the Repositories
placed in the chambers.

5. A condition precedent to the establishment of this the institution will
be found to be (if I mistake not) the recommitment of the Bill: for purposes
for which this operation will be found necessary, these.

1. The A instrument of 1. Calculation and nature as so, 1. quantity of paper in for the of which is to be made. the provision requires to be made: 2. the number of official persons
for some of whose lodging in the day time and of others for whom lodgement in the by night as well
as day, provision requires to be made.

2. Powers for the obtainment of the site of the Building.

3. Powers for the obtainment of the money requisite for the purchase purchase of the
spot, and the erection of the Buildings.

6. In p. 54 56 the Bill that in no one of the existing
Local Register Offices shall any a certain part of the business be done, after the last day
of this year: nor a certain other part after the last day of the year 1836.
of the present year.(a) If so, the whole correspondent part of the business to be
carried on in those several several Offices must and will be suspended undergo suspension
for not doing in indefinite length of time: for, altogether impossible will
it be seen to be – that, within that time, the General Offices in question
should be in a state fit for the reception of the documents at present
depended in the aggregate of those same Local Register Offices.

Note (a)
(a) "Assurances" (says the margin) not to be registered inrolled in
"Local Register Offices after 31 Decr, 1831; and no Assurances
&c. to be registered in such Offices after 11 Decr 1836.

As to the difference between enrollment and registration – why
the enrolment should come so early as the end of this year and the registration not till the end of 1836 it may be perfectly proper for aught I know: but I do not see the ground of it.

7. As to the of the quantity of rooms necessary – data
may be, and assuredly ought to be, obtained, by examination into the
quantity of spaces at present occupied in those several Local Offices
respectively and a computation of the several additional quantities the demandfor
which the demand will take place at the several successive periods, down to the
last of which it will be found necessary to assign a termination down to the last, whatever it may be, during which it may be thought requisite
and necessary to keep in existence the security thus afforded.

From this examination, a conclusion may be drawn as to the year
on or before which the quantity of building building necessary will have swelled swelled
to a size equal to that at Somerset Place.


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