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1823. August 10 + ++
Constitutional Code

Copied i enactive
Ch. II Judiciary collectively

(1 §.17 Locable who (Judges)

§.17. Locable out of whom who

§. Locable out of whom

Art. 1. Till [three] years
after commencement of the
Code no Judge Immediate
Principal locable but
out of Deputes who
have served [two] years.

Art. 1. From W Till After the expiration of [three] years from the
commencement of this Code, and thence forward, no person shall be capable locable
in the situation of Judge Immediate, unless he has served in the
capa situation of Judge Immediate Depute for at least [two]

Art. 2. Term of service
computed not by years
but days. Hence having served
same number of days
Occasional is as locable
as Permanent

Art. 2. The term of service is, for this purpose computed
Art. 2. The time during which a person has officiated in
the situation of Judge Immediate Depute shall be reckoned by

not by years but by days: Provided and, So as the requisite number of days
has been fulfilled, he who has served in the situation of Jud
Occasional Depute is accordingly as competent to be located
as if he had served the same number of days in the situation
of Permanent Depute.

Art. 3. Each Deputing Qualification
Service Table
which is a sort of Almanack
in which the days
and hours of his actual
service are marked.

Time during which service
has been performed say
three years: term of
actual service necessary
say two years: if in
the three years his two
years have been served
his qualification is

Art. 3. So soon as he has officiated in the requisite
number of days in the situation of Depute, any person who is whose
desirous of desire it is to be being located in the situation of Judge Principal, may
signify make signification of such his desire to the Justice Minister, giving to it
such signification what what mode and degree of publicity he thinks fit: the greater
the degree, of publicity the better assured he will be naturally
be thought to be, of finding the justice of his pretensions his appropriate apptitude recognized
by the judgment of the Public Opinion Tribunal.

Art. From these single individual
Service Tables an aggregate
Service Table is periodically

Showing for each year
the individuals whose
Qualification time has been
compleated in each year,
those who have been promoted
being distinguished by a mark
with the day of promotion
into the Judicatory in which located, and the Justice Minister by whom.

Art. 4. [ ] Days before The names of all persons
by whom a desire to has been then signified is such signification has been given is formed a list, with
styled the Judge Depute Candidate List. In it the Judicatories in which, the and the times terms during which,
they have respectively each Candidate has officiated, are declared. A copy Of this list a copy is kept open to public inspection
in every Judicatory: and in each Judicatory signification of such so soon as this
person has
desire has by on the part of any person been signified made
his name is entered upon the list.

Identifier: | JB/042/545/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 42.



Marginal Summary Numbering




Main Headings

constitutional code

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Info in main headings field

constitutional code




locable who


text sheet

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Page Numbering

d28 / e1


jeremy bentham


j whatman turkey mill 1822


jeremy bentham

Paper Producer

admiral pavel chichagov


arthur moore

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