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Copied Ch. XII Judiciary collectively
(2) 10 (2 §.29 Located how
Sole competent mode
of provision — Deputes
invited by Justice Minister
from all the Judicial
The mode plan in which, for all such casual and in an to the rest of the system
temporary demand, the most apt provision is capable
of being made is is to a manner conformable to the rest
by the rest of the system rendered sufficiently obvious. In the whole
number of Judicial territories taken together,
with where how near use approaches so ever to the maximum of adequacy,
the actual supply of deputes may have adjusted itself
to the demand, a greater number of the functionaries ready to accept of employment
in this
ulterior employment will, at all times
be vastly greater than the whole number
of them who have actually been in the habitual receipt of full employment.
This considered, whenever an influx of business
of this sort comes in happens to come in, the
Justice Minister issues an invitation instrument of invitation,
inviting all stating the nature of the business in question
together with the number of the Judges and other functionaries require necessary
for to the maximizing the despatch of it, and calling
upon all appropriately qualified persons who are willing to take part feel disposed
send in their proposals
On this plan the more exact agreement has place
between the interest for all interests concerned: as between the interest of the public in respect of the ends of justice,
and the interest of the individual in
character of judiciary functionaries: the ends of justice to wit as indicated by the
evils by the avoidance
of which they will be
The interest of the individual
will agree with
do of the public
1. As to despatch:
for by long obstruction
confinement to this narrow
part of the field
they would be seen to be
then presumable applied to
for working over the
Hence both interests require
maximization of
the judicatories thus employed
at once.
1. As to non-decision In these cases as in all other cases
the interest of the public and thence of agreement requires that
in these as in other cases the length the term of non-decision should
as to every as to every part of the business be minimized: in other words that despatch
be maximized. So But so does that of each individual functionary:
When his Suppose his If of his competency the competency if in this particular situation his labours continue
beyond a certain length of time, the confinement limitation of them to a
portion thus comparatively narrow of the cogent field of service would
render them both in reality and in as well in reality as in appearance less qualified
for location in the situation traversing the whole field so as of principals, than if, with even less
assiduity they had
been in the habit of
spreading giving to their allocation
over the of the of
judicial Service
that same all comprehensive and desirable extent. Hence moreover the both interests of both require that the number of these judicatories employed
at once be maximized.
Identifier: | JB/042/586/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 42.
1825-12-11 |
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jeremy bentham |
j whatman turkey mill 1824 |
admiral pavel chichagov |
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