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1824 Oct. 8.
Constitutional Code – U.S.Appendix
Features discarded
Ch. VI. Legislature.
§. 1. Composition House, one.
U.S. Senate is Legislative & Administrative.


6. . But now come heterogenous powers, not
in themselves belonging to the Two House System, but attached to it is
this particular inclusion.

1. The first is the fraction of legislative power given to this branch
of the legislature and the action to be executed exercised in conjunction with
the Chief of the Executive to wit the President. This is the making
of with foreign powers: always provided that the has
the concurrence of two thirds of the members: of which .(a)
(a) Article II. Section 2. "He" (the President) "shall have power, by and with
"the advice and consent of the Senate to make treaties, provided two thirds
"of the Senators present concurr:"

This power is in effect legislative power: the supreme legislative
in so far as applied to the particular subject matter – to the particular
branch of in the field of legislature.

Boundless is the extent to which internal legislation may be
in this exercise of power represented operating oly in as distinct from legislation
and not to legislation be involved: and to this
boundless extent is legislation ordained to be carried on by
one half only of the of the legislative out of two in conjunction with the addition of
with a functionary who if not compleatly subject to the decision
of the Legislative is placed in a situation adverse to it with an interest
adverse to that of the universal interest and power to give effect to it.

Not s bad this if while acting in the exercise of this vast power
the responsibility of it rested upon the Executive Chief. But
no, it is shared by with him by the body – of will it
– by this intricate combination of powers: in so that out of the whole
number of 40 he can in the of by protracted of seven
come to a good with 27, being two thirds
for it will be can he afford whatever course
they may find or desire it the just interest to no dislocation no
punishment in any shape can to him or any of them.

Identifier: | JB/044/041/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 44.



Marginal Summary Numbering




Main Headings

constitutional code

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Info in main headings field

constitutional code us






text sheet

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a28 / d13 / e9


jeremy bentham



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