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13 June 1805

Whatever the number of non-profit-yielding suits that might
have taken a time made to take place had they been profit-yielding suits, they operate
therefore as exceptions to the several rules implied in the enumeration
given of the four preceding objects.

Unfortunately, (viz: for mankind in general) in the sort of relation expressed by the correlative terms general
, exception, there is something particularly observable in the
case to which they are here applied. In general, after whatever be the number
of individual instances articles that have been taken out of subtstracted from the contents of the
general rule by the exception or exceptions, the remainder is a
number greater than that of the number contained in such exception
or aggregate of exceptions. But in the present instance after the
if from the number of articles comprized contained in the general rule there
be taken the number of articles comprized in the exception, the
remainder will be not simply less but by many times less than the
number so substracted.

Fortunately on the other hand, (viz: for the man of law) the same process arrangement operation which
contributions to the any one of the
whatever process, through
the medium of the 2d 3d or 4th of the above objects, conduces to the
fulfilment of the 1st, conduces also to that of the 5th. In this as
in every other branch of trade, but in this more distinctly and necessarily than in any other whatever contributes to raise the price of
the goods, contributes in the same proportion to diminish the number of the
customers. By the steady pursuit of that one object through the medium
of those three, by that simple and as it were instructive course,
by the mere force of instinct, and without any expence in the shape of
meditation thought reflection and contrivance, he attains the fifth object into the bargain:
case in the form of a corollary, quiddam, as mathematicians
say, in addition to leave in a more substantial shape.

Thus by the ingenuity and industry of the man of law Judge, everything is adjusted
and with the utmost nicety to the the convenience of time and his: and the only inconvenience is, that a certain
portion of the species, in every
country a large majority are
put out of the present
, and saved the oppression of the law.

Identifier: | JB/058/371/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 58.



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