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The virtuosity of Nomenclature consists 1st in the creation of unnecessary Technical words: 2
in the giving of a Technical signification to words of already common use — The latter kind is by much the most prejudicial, by how much error is worse than ignorance.

The only remedy to this mischief is
to restore common sense to all it's rights,
& cry down the adulterous ated significations.
To facilitate their salutary operation
I have collected framed a Catalogue of such words,
falling within this description as
have fallen within my observation.

Words of Classification
Felony - Premunire - High
Treason as applied to but this is Technical tralatitiously
under the head may be made between
These long headings into such as
1st Technical originally in their origin
2d Technical tralatitiously by Translation

Words Technical originally in their origin
Larceny - Burglary - Arson
Mayhem Qu? Champarty
Embracery - Barratry [and
the names of Writs & stops of formularies of

The one advertise & a man of his ignorance, & indicate to him the necessity of decking
for information — he has it not indeed without pains, which 99 out of 100 of mankind are
unwilling to take, but on that condition however if he will, he has it. The other,

The evil would be considerably less, if so could have been, that at the time the
imposed the technical spurious signification they had renounced the original common <add>ordinary. Instead of
the word has been in running out in use even their own use with two opposite significations belonging to it
spreading confusion wheresoever it made it's way — Thus "with force & arms" in it armes will
sometimes that force was employed, sometimes no such thing.

In crimes, the ultimate Aspect is the same in all Human Person. Laws have for their the subject-matter which
they are immediately exerted in some it is propriety: in others it is the same with the object person.

For Words Technical tralatitiously
see Title "Perspicuity" - "Words

The object of a good Tabulation ought to be to adjust the Judgment as well
as the conception.

They endeavour will be to place
the System in as many different
points of view as possible, that they
eye of the observer may be able with propriety
penetrate it in all directions.

All this confusion may be avoided (even under the present System of Punishment) by saying simply that the Offenders
shall be hanged or transported for so many years as the case is and nothing more.
If I were asked what it is that has done the most mischief to the Law of England, I should might answer in it
— word: If I were further asked what is that word, I should answer Felony.

CLASSIF. and NOMENCL. Inconveniences of the Old [BR][3][]

Identifier: | JB/063/096/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 63.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law in general

Folio number


Info in main headings field

classif. and nomencl. inconveniences of the old





text sheet

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Page Numbering



jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::gr [crown motif] [britannia with shield motif]]]


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