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It may [here be useful] give a comprehension to our view to observe, that the topic of Accident begins at Arson, & Malicious mischief and
down no farther than Homicide or Mayhem; Battery Wounding & Assault [Muscular Action] the reason is evident, that these are
the only calamities to which man is exposed at the hand of which it has been deemed ones of such calamities mischiefs as it has been found necessary to combat by extraordinary penalties as penalties have been found necessary to combat
of which man can be the Author
without such continuity of action
as [religious volition for its'
accessory cause] cannot take
place without volition:
had been proved necessary to have
to which of action is necessary in continuity of action which case only be
up by continuity of volition. [Now as soon as a man has] volition which wherever it is found under a he becomes capable of
being acted on by penalties, brings a man within the action of/sphere of the Instruments of the Law] A Man cannot commit
High Treason by accident; he cannot committ a Rape by accident: he cannot break
into a House to rob it coin a guinea forge a Deed or wilfully forswear himself † by
accident & so of the rest
† The absence of intention being more
frequent and the marks of it's presence more
equivocal in perjury false-swearing than
in these other acts has occasioned
that circumstance to enter into the
denomination of the Crime as more
immediately catching the attention
on this thorn in them; so
that we speak of Wilful
Perjury more uniformly than
of Wilful Arson. Wilful
Murder or Wilful Mayhem
the circumstances of wilfulness is prologated so blended in to
the essence of our Idea as to be included in the
word by which we express it. — another thing —false
swearing unless it is wilful, ordinarily induces
no ; which Arson, Murder & Mayhem
do — so that unless [false swearing] it is wilful
it is nothing: which cannot be said of these
enclose the germ of whatever can be
said on the subject.
[It will be of advantage In his progress through/In a vast and complicated subject as that of Jurisprudence, it is always of advantage/of no small/It is of unspeakable advantage to mark to mark out with precision the aspertion boundaries of it's [respective]
The discouraging appearance of vastness and infinity under which they must needs appear to
one as his first entrance [into it] and which continues to many throughout life; being
thus corrected, the mind acquires a sense perception of satisfaction & commands, over the subject/that part which nothing
else could give it. Master of the ground it leaves behind, it moves on with vigour &
alacrity to fresh conquests — It is by a such a successive [& distinct] comprehension of
every part, that it arrives at length to a that comprehension of the whole, from which
at length & from which alone the licence is to expect it's perfection.
Without this every fresh treatise, whatever new lights in one point of view it may throw
on the subject, in another encreases its' perplexity by p contributing still more &
more to give each small part portion/division the appearance of a boundless whole. †
† from hence we may perceive
of what disservice a every work
must be in one respect, that
should contributes to obliterates these useful
boundary Lines by imm
& desultory transitions.traverses
These topics are as it were so
many common integuments, spreading
themselves to different extents over
the distinct muscles members
[makes the mind's eye dizzy]
[Traversing in every direction the whole portion by secure & rapid steps strides, like Homer's Jupiter who
makes 3 steps strides from ..... to .... and arrives at the fourth, he will
be able to mark out by anticipation the boundary line in which on every side in which the
[tortuous] paths of less all future ..... adventurers must find leave/terminate their termination.
Identifier: | JB/063/129/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 63.
063 |
law in general |
129 |
gen: exemptions accident limits of this topic |
002 |
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recto |
c4 |
jeremy bentham |
[[watermarks::[gr with crown motif] [britannia with shield motif]]] |
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