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We come now to another case of Pains and Pleasures.
Those we have spoken of hitherto may be
termed Pleasures of the Concupiscible Appetite. Concupiscere is to desire.
Eating is a pleasure of the concupiscible appetite.
For I must have had a desire
for eating and I could feel a pleasure
in it.


It remains to speak of those or that rather
that one (for there is but one) that belong
to their irascible appetite. Irasci, is to be angry.

Pleasure of
Revenge in

I was hungry: I had bread in my hand; I was about to eat: came a man and snatched it away
from me. Away went the pleasure of possession
I was engaged in: ceased the pleasure of enjoyment I
was about to take: A pain of disappointment
came in its place. [I was in pain: the cause
of it was before me. It was a sensitive being
the man, that did it.] He ran: I followed
I came up with him. I conceived a wish wished
to give him
pain: beating would give pain.</del>
I beat him: I exercised my revenge on him I saw him suffer: upon that I
felt a pleasure: It may be called the Pleasure of Vengeance in practice. Compared
with the Pleasures of the comprehensible Appetite
it is analogous to the Pleasure of

In expectation.

While I was yet running, so soon as I thought
{it likely} I should over take him, I conceived
a pleasure: the idea of the pleasure of revenge
in exercise I was about to take came into my was present to my
mind: I conceived an expectation of taking it:

Introd. Ch. II. Happiness and Unhapp. ingredients. V. Pleasures & of the Irascible Appetite.

Pleasure of
+ v. Axioms [BKI]
a pleasure
in exercise
though impure
it is also accompanied
by a pain:
and is great only in
proportion to it.

Nevertheless while it subsists it must be allowed
for to be a pleasure. Tho' it were ten times
more fatal than it is, that is tho' it
draw after it ten times more pain after
it than it does: while it lasts it is a pleasure:
it produces effects in as such: it
serves for a motive: and that in the most
powerful degree as a pleasure therefore
we must speak of it.

To be happy for a given time, must is to
have that time filled up with pleasures.

Indirect Instruments
of Pleasure.

Ideal Sources Instruments of Pleasure. Esteem.
as it is productive of the external instruments of pleasures
Good-Will—Esteem as it is productive
of Good-Will. Honours as they are productive
of Good-Will—And in a Circle
as they are productive of Good-Will
Honours &c. with this proviso if properly applied.

A Pledge in hand
This is occasional only—so makes less figure
than the comprehensible.

Identifier: | JB/070/049/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 70.


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of laws in general

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introd. ch. ii happiness and unhapp. ingredients pleasures of the irascible appetites





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jeremy bentham


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jeremy bentham

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