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VOLUME Degradation. Ld. M.

by shrinking up half a
the propositions
into one one into another

crowding one into another
yet altering nothing of the substance

Now would I engage (for a good fee<add>) The fee should be a good one by treating
it secundum artem, by opening the propositions to
one upon the list of another, by sprinkling in the proper
expletives & tautologies, without adding or varying an idea so to enfeeble and
confound that admirable performance composition, that the veriest drudge in an a lawyer's office might mistake it for his own.

It was an ingredient a thought of the Alchymists a set of men who have not to be accused [(to whom no want of industry could be imputed objected on the subject of
their researches could be objected)] to attempt the degradation of that metal which was the grand object of their researches as a [help means of throwing some light uponto the knowledge of] its composition.

And in the a situation same view it is, that a an excellent celebrated philosopher of a neighbouring nation D'Alembert. Melanges
II. 5.
has proposed an Autophilosophical as a work that might have it's use.

One mode of instruction is to propose models of
excellence for imitation, [another and sometimes
not less useful one is to exhibit] models of depravity
for avoidance.
After therefore having altered according to a
conception of what is right the computation
it might not be instruction a more instructive
that would have its use
to take some other that is excellent, & traversing
it according to my conception of what is wrong.</p> (2
Males officit

The mind <add>capacity

of man is a vessel, which when ever
filled up to a certain pitch degree mark, upon the pouring in
of a fresh stream, is subject to loses at least much of it's

past former contents, if it be not {entirely} overset.

The consequences?

What there is of a law {suppose} the people know.
It is found supposed that there is not enough expressed
more is added—What is the case now?
that they know more but that they know less, or even nothing.

+ but still that to every law for every man a turn
of incomprehensibility there is somewhere.
Now It be admitted that there are Laws and that
there are men concerning which whom they concern it no reasonable
expectation can be entertained that the latter
should ever be able to comprehend {acquainted with} the power because by reason
if this number of them, it will be granted, that
a term there is different indeed to different persons of
different degrees of capacity under different circumstances
of situation+

& that the mind of there is no man who can be whose mind is equal able to the
task of comprehending to retain the imputation
of every thing that is written.

The more there is of it, the less likely is a man to learn it all: if there is a vast deal,|| let there be ...
a certain quantity

he is
frightened and learns none.

Prospects of perfection
When to every man
shall be dealt out
his portion
Shall England

of certainty

When the Law ...........
shall shine forth in all the splendor of pure simplicity, like
Gold out of the refiner's fire: then shall there open /appear/ a source of
order, of good government, of tranquillity, of oeconomy {in the
collection of the revenues} of obedience in the subject thus first instructed
of his duty and of temperance in the Magistrate be directed their
first instructed of the extent & limits of his power, a source, I say,
of which no hath as yet been seen, scarce any that [have]
been conceived.

When explanations and amendments shall lay under a
perpetual interdict, when the measure of obedience
shall be throughout but one.

as never yet hath offered
itself to the eyes, scarcely
to the thoughts conceits of men
which no eye hath seen,
scarcely any heart conceived.

and each operation
and cloudy System
shall have been melted into
{newcast} into

Identifier: | JB/070/113/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 70.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

of laws in general

Folio number


Info in main headings field

composition. prelud. miscell. degradation immensity. perorat. complacens




volume degradation


text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[gr with crown motif] [lion with vryheyt motif]]]


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