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NOTOR: TITLES H-PODGE. from 5 & 6 W. retro.

(1) Hodge-Podge Acts list of from 5 & 6 Will 3d backwards.
2 Separate repealing Statutes in the same clause
5 & 6 of W & M.cc. g. & 13 [ but the latter (binds
repealing as its being what Title announces) makes more

So in the 5 W. & M cc. 2 & 4 — In 21 & 1. cc.
1st Reviving — perpetuating 10th Repealing. 12th enlarging —
Reviving perpetuating continuing [purpetuating] & explaining
4 & 5 W. & 4 Will 24.

Reviving continuity [& perpetuating & amending viz:
J tit. of Distributions] 1 Jc.2.17. very various.
Yet in this same Sessions 2 a separate reviving
Act c.10 & another c. 13. In repealing §21-
And in continuing of subjecti & a
repealing c. 6 & a [revising (& continuing ] c. 7.

2 Separate Acts following the one repealing, the other
reviving one Act & continuing another 30th Cor.2. ce 5 & 6.

Separate Single Continuing [but then it also adds & amends]
25. Car. y.c.8.
There had been a single repealing c. &c
In 1690 C.2nd Separate Repealing cr. 6 Separate continuing C.7 &
another c. co.

---page break---

(1) In 15. Car. 2

{ c. 11 An additional Act for the better ordering and collecting
(the Duty of Excise, and preventing the abuses
{ therein.
{c. 12 An Explanatory Act for settling Recovery of the
{ Arrears of Excise.
{ c. 13 An Additional Act for the better ordering &
{ Collecting the Revenue arising by the Hearth-money.

These with half a dozen others would have been at present be
crowded into one at present in modern times .

Yet then is a Hodge Podge of that hapiness about
Regulatory & about Madder..c.i6

But both contra original clauses { Continuing revising & repealing 21 § 1. 28 continues
{ 38 & repeals 71.
{ Continuing & repealing 43 Eliz.g. continued 21 in numbers

And this form it's Title(Continuing revising & explaining 35 Eliz. §. 12 continued
& 27 El 12 + + the same Session c eo continuously & 18 made

And this (Continuing &. perfecting eg Eliz.5 continued 17 in number
And this (14thEl.c.11.

And this Continuing & reviving & Continuing 13. El. 25
Perpetuating int nomina continuing div.subj. 2 & 3 6 32
37 H. 8 c. 23 Continuing" has several original Clauses
as has of the 25. c. 18.

---page break---

NOTORIETY. Titulation

(2) The Romans in the time of the Republic entitled
(as it is well known) their Laws by the names of their
proposers; a method burthensome to the memory,
since it gave convey'd no intimation of having no material
relation to the contents.

The method of entitling them from the subject matter as ......... is beyond comparison the most commodious.
How much more commodious are such Titles
as the Militia Act, the Turnpike Act,
the Highway Act, the Gundpowder Act
the Bread Act, the Vagrant Act, the Privilege Act than
if they had been, the Hardwicke Act Mansfield Act, the
Camden Act, the North Act the Grenville
Act, the Tuslor Act + + find out the persons who brought in the respective Acts, & entitle them accordingly, instead of doing it as here

DIG.1. Hodge Podge. Acts.2. Titulation

(2) The mode of reference used by in the
Civil Law has is subject to that inconvenience
which contributes the principal
difficulty in Geometry and Algebra.
So in the Corpus Jus. Civilis Titulatem of by the contracts instincts words.

That of employing signs of themselves
in expression of the thing signified. Intitling by the subject matter viz as much of it as can be brought within the compass of a short period [or two] is like the Key Note in Music.


Identifier: | JB/079/045/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 79.


Marginal Summary Numbering

32-39, 46-48



Main Headings

law in general

Folio number


Info in main headings field

happiness and unhappiness - their ingredients





text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

e11 / / / e14


jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[gr with crown motif] propatria [britannia motif]]]


jeremy bentham

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