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but all these + are left far behind by the Stat. Act.
+ viz: any H.P. Acts before mentioned are outdone are left far behind by miscellany
23.G.2 c. 26 by which of the late King c.26. By this all comprehensive Act no fewer than 11
different purposes are accomplished executed all as than which
distant from each other as any thing. It more various could hardly have been assigned

That are most to
This proposes as the Title announces them
It is made as the Title informs us - To continue


All Acts
As in this Statute there is something a spice of everything, it's some different
provisions come of course as one might be sure they would to
have something done to them by succeding
Laws. I turned to several of those Laws expecting to
use it according to the good old custom, brought
in over again in each of them: I was mistaken
- frighten'd doubtless at the immensity of its
appearance, of all the of those Statutes
there was not one that executed it <add> ventured upon [swallowing] it </add> it was only
referred as being an Act of such a year of that
Kings reign without saying what Chapter
or what it is or with what Section of it they like to do: as

---page break---

that would be contrary to custom: for everything
that by which <add> can lessen </add>a problem is made </del> differently is contra
to write usage and every thing whereby it can be as every thing than can augment it
is is of course
For every thing by which difficulty can be lessen'd is contrary to custom as every thing by which it can be augmented is of course

It is some satisfaction however to find that the by this amongst
others that the repeating of the
Title of a Statute 20 times over in many
succeding ones is not a matter of absolute necessity:
& that when it is done, it is done out of
the superabundance an overflowing of generosity: found where
we learn that the stopping of that generosity
and all instances inclusiveness is a thing that may be
done [whether the fall of the Parliament
or the of the Statute] If
could have been
Laws [certainly ] and different . <note> this leads us to conclude <add> collect that this like generosity might be stopped by a general resolution in all future instances, and the state still subsist: which without a precedent it might have been termerity to affirm. </note> </add>

---page break---

NOTRIETY Hodge-podge Acts. Causes of them

With respect to those instances exertions of indemnitys to and recompense or
remission compensation exoneration which the Humanity of the Legislature is
always so ready to extend to persons individuals who have been the
innocent or meritorious objects of a calamity, the
truth is [that] the fees of office are so enormous, as that
sometimes unless some charitable Minister will give the sufferer
favoured person a Ride upon his Bill, to go near to cast up the profits of the
indulgence - Better however it were, that the claims
thus eluded, which enormous is they are, being established,
cannot be [rejected ..] defeated without injustice, were satisfied
out of the national public treasure, then or if the case is thought
to warrant a suspension, openly & directly, then the
simplicity of the Legislative operations violated by [ the
of] these deformaties.

Facts to

If the reader Anyone who will take the trouble to cast his eye over the Titles of the Statutes for these ...years po back will find A.D. & Y & Z riding upon an Indemnity Act P.Q. &Y.Z. each upon a Money Bill &c

COMPOS. Hodge Podge Acts.

---page break---

NOTORIETY Hodge-podge Acts Causes of them.

Another cause of them of which one knows not what
to say, of this confusion, may have been in some
instances the desperate resolution of the Lower
House to vanquish the opposition of the Upper
to a law, by taking it to a Money-Bill.
But these however I believe have not been frequent.
Bu The greatest number have none of these
excuses: I

Identifier: | JB/079/047/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 79.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

law in general

Folio number


Info in main headings field

compos. hodge-podge acts




notoriety - hodge-podge acts


text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::j honig & zoonen [lion with vryheyt motif]]]


Paper Producer



richard smith

Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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