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aa §14 Provided always aa And be hereby dd it further inacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid bb that if any Person or Persons
bb §20 shall unload, or cause to be unloaden any Goods
cc §48 Wares or Merchandise, [after] from any cart [or carts]
dd §48 waggon [or Waggons], [Wain or Wains]or other Carriage
a §22 p [or Carriages] ([other than a] & except such Carriage
[or Carriages] as [ is or] are herein before
excepted ]) at or before the same shall come to
any Turnpike Gate [or Turnpike Gates] [Tollgate
b 1. p [or Tollgates Bar or Bars b] Weighing Engine or Weighing Engines [or Crane or Cranes
Machine or Machines or Engine or Engines for
the conveying weighing of any Carts Waggons Wains or
H §32 p other Conveyors for the conveying of any Goods, Wares
c §1.p c* 22f #d§ 32 p. or Merchandises whatsoever] which shall have been or H made or hereafter to be madec* built or hereafter #d to be built erected or hereafter to
ee §22. p be erectedf set up or hereafter to be set up by
virtue under the authority ee or in pursuance of this or any other Act
f §1. p or Acts of Parliament h & Statute or Statutes2 Law or
g § 6.p Lawsk made or hereafterd to be made for the [makingl
h § 34 -p. repair[ing] or [amendingl] or preservation of any Turnpike
k § 19 l.§4 Road or Roads within this Kingdom: or shall load
+m §4 9 or lay [in or +m] upon such Carriage [or Carriages] ([others
than a ] and] except as aforesaid) after the same ([others b shall
have passed [travelled or been drawn] [through] any
+n § 4.p. such Turnpike Gate or Turnpike Gates or Weighing
Engine or Weighing Engines, any Goods, Wares or
Merchandizes taken or unloaden from any
Horse or Horses Ox or Oxen or Neat Cattle Cart or Carts
or other Carriage or Carriages belonging to or
hired or borrowed by the same Waggoner or Carrier
in order to avoid the payment of the said
o p §89 respective Tolls Rateso and Dutiesop of twenty
q § 1 q* §32 shillings per Hundred [weightq]: - that q* then and in allr each and every
r §1 such case or cases, allr cases and every such person or
persons so offending - - - -
I fancy the reader will willingly dispense me
from going farther: thus much cont is somewhat less
than half the Section: the remainder is still better
ad infinitum to these flowers calculated to give to more beautiful
not one of which has been but what is
the nature genuine growth ( as may be seen from the references ) of this very composition.
Identifier: | JB/095/051/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 95.
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jeremy bentham |
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