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1809 Aug. 1 + §.4 6
Fallacies B.7. Ins.
I. Generalia
Ch. 1. Generalia


§.4. of the Ins

Vis mala conservatrix et melioratrix naturae in the body politic
analogous to vis conservatrix et medicatrix naturae in the body natural.
Not rendered more real or by being put into Latin — but
Ch. or §. 2 good for making impressions in the conception & memory.

Book or Ch. 2. Fallacies of the Ins.
§.2. Fallacies of the Ins — their general nature
§.3. Ch. 1. Demand for Fallacies on the part of the Ins.
Ministerial fallacies:

For ministerial, the
demand is created by
abuses: its urgency is
in proportion partly
to the mischievousness
of the mass and thence
the strenuousness of the
attacks it is exposed
partly to the interest
which the Ins as such
have in the defence of

On the part of the Ins as on the part of the Outs
the demand for fallacies is constituted by the abuses demand for fallacy is constituted by abuse, that
happen to have place in the government: and the urgency of the
demand is proportioned runs in proportion partly to the quantity of
the article mass thus requiring to be defended, partly to the quantity of the interest which men have in
the defence of it.
and which require to
be defended against all
assaults and all assailants
and all assaults

In all governments,
causes tending to promote

All governments have a natural since the invention
of the press at least, all governments have on the one hand a natural tendency
to improvement melioration: that is in all governments there are causes
the tendency of which is to become productive of that desirable effect.

— also others tending
to stop improvement
and to add to the
mass of abuse.

But all governments have also a natural tendency
to pejoration to corruption: that is under all governments
there exist causes of operations in an opposite direction acting in a direction opposite to that of the former
causes the tendency of which is to become productive of that
undesirable effect.

Happily in the political
as in the animal
and vegetable fabric
the causes of melioration
prevail in general over
those of obstruction
and pejoration.

Happily of the causes of melioration are those of which the action will be found
to be most steady constant and most uninterrupted, and in general upon the
whole the strongest: similar in this particular to the ordinary
vital powers of vegetable and animal nature.

Causes of pejoration
are casual, accidental,
coming from without
like do of prevention of
decay or external
to which animal

The causes of corruption pejoration will be found to be but
casual and accidental, [coming principally from without, similar in
this to those accidental causes of premature decay or
external injury to the action of which those natural bodies stand exposed.

Identifier: | JB/104/077/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 104.



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fallacies of the ins - their general nature


text sheet

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d6 / e1


jeremy bentham


th 1806


jeremy bentham

Paper Producer

andre morellet


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Notes public

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