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Art. 2.
Those rights are
described or in part
blank contradiction
to one another.
Perfect liberty, perfect
property and perfect
security is to be the
lot of every man.
Yet not an atom
of property can he
give to any one but
at the expence of the
property as well as
the liberty of all the everybody
rest – not an atom of
security but at the
expence of the liberty
of all the rest, to
say nothing of property
in as far as the
establishment occupies
for the maintenance
of general security
is attended with

The play thing is as innocent
as it is childish.
The same equal
on the floor of a periodical
magazine is pregnant
with distraction, and blessed
is the fool that rounds
it out.

To prove to you
that so it shall
be, he tells maintains to that
it always was

---page break---

Either those ambiguities
could have been
avoided, and they
they should have
avoided them: or
they could not have
been avoided, and
thus no such performance
have been attempted.

Either those men
were low on the
scale of ability
in comparison
with such as the
notion afforded,
and then you see
what you get by
popular election,
or they were high,
and then you see
what the deplorable nonsense
which is the best
you can expect.

Abstract propositions.
The more general
the more liable
to misconstruction.
Were they even results
taken in the way of
abstraction and ever to excel they would
be dangerous on account
of their being
or generally useless
their dangerous tendency
by a specific reformer
to the all particular limitation
necessary to
bring them within the
meaning of the legislator and within
pale of utility
and reason.

---page break---

Burke's Nullity

... the legislature of
a country contrived
for ever to a least Assembly
of dead barbarians,
without a possibility of
Indefeasible obligations
as absurd,
and more revolting
to the imagination
and the affections passions,
and highly mischievous
though not quite
so mischievous as
indefeasible rights.

Enough of Citizen Day
Citizen ,
is not law but would
be law.

, as he supposes
his fellow citizens
is buying making a constitution
of his own. From In
who wish to see France
for ever in a flame
this would be good can not be bad
news. It would
be extraordinary good
news if it were not
evident that
and whatever may
become of his hesitation
there are
can be no fear of.
Many of the same
may say
I trust I leave
my realm
as good as his:
Let be the
of nonsense – yet
let him be out of
the question thus
and be no
fear of hundreds of
other equally qualified
and equally willing to
take his places.

---page break---

in the
care taken by the
British Parliament
not to veto abstract

Three purposes to
1. To chain down
future legislators
2. To make a show
of superior intelligence
3. To excite
in other countries.

Abusing the import
of words the only
possible means of
effecting these purposes.
Making a confusion
1. What has been done.
2. What is doing
3. What it is conceived
ought to be
4. What it is intended
shall be done.

Hope, that When driven out of
one sense, a man
may take refuge in

Identifier: | JB/108/114/003
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 108.


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declaration of rights brouillon





rudiments sheet (brouillon)

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jeremy bentham



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