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Panopticon Bill.
[B. 2.]
Manner of making Entry into any particular piece of Land parcel of the premises aforesaid for
the purpose of gaining actual possession of the said parcel only as against the Occupier or Occupiers.
Fix in any conspicuous part of the particular parcel in question a stake with a board as before, on which
is fastened a proper Notice in writing which may be to the effect contained in the Form following: viz:
To the Occupier or Occupiers of the Close which in the Record of the Inquisition taken under an Act
of the 19th Year of the reign of his present Majesty Ch. 7A. by a Jury sitting at the Public House then &
now known by the name of the Faulcon hereunto near adjacent stands described as follows: viz: [Here
copy the Record of the Inquisition as far as concerns the parcel in question]
Take Notice that in pursuance of the Act of his present Majesty Ch. §. 3. I Jeremy Bentham
Esquire r [or I. A. A. as Agent for Jeremy Bentham Esquire] therein named do make Entry for the
purpose of gaining actual and immediate possession of the whole of the said Close [or if only of a part
here describe such part] and that not only as against the Owner or Owners but also as against the Occupier
Occupiers thereof. Witness my hand this day of 179
J. B.
As before
P. S. For the satisfaction to be made you for any damage that may result to you from the suddenness
of your removal from the premises, see the said Act.
Identifier: | JB/119/145/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 119.
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panopticon |
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panopticon bill |
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