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Panopticon Bill. Post-liberation Options
Governor empowered to grant
them Recreditation-Certificates
Art.17. And Whereas it may afford a useful instruction with regard
to the degree of credit to be given in any case to a Penitentiary Prisoner after his
discharge if the Governor after so close and long continued an opportunity of observation
could consistently with truth give his testimony in favour of the characters and
conduct of such Prisoner in this behalf. And Whereas in the hope of such testimony
may have a salutary and consoling influence on the mind of such Prisoner and
may tend to repress any exaggerated presumptions that might otherwise be entertained
to the prejudice of the same Be it enacted that upon the discharge
of any Penitentiary Prisoner or at any earlier or later period, the
Governor may at his discretion grant it to him or her a certificate to the above
effect, under the name of a Recreditation certificate: which said certificate may
be according to the Form marked [D.1.] with any such variations suitable to
the case of each Prisoner as to the Governor in his discretion may seem meet.
and Reformation Certificates
Art.18. And Whereas a declaration on the on the part of the Governor
testifying the reformation of any Penitentiary Prisoner and his good behaviour
for so long a time as that of his continuance in the said Penitentiary House
may when the same can be given consistently with truth be of essential benefit
to the reputation of such Prisoner, and contribute in no small degree towards
his finding a friend or employer willing to be bound for him in the
capacity of a Friendly Guardian or if such should be his option towards his
being received into the service of his Majesty or of the East India Company
as also when engaged therein towards his standing upon a favourable footing
in the eyes of his Comrades and of other good & honest subjects of his Majesty,
Be it enacted that upon the discharge of any such Penitentiary
Prisoner the Governor may also grant to him or her a Certificate of Reformation
and Good-Behaviour: which certificate may be according to the Form
marked [D.2} with any such variations suitable to the case of each Prisoner
as to the said Governor in his discretion may seem meet,
Identifier: | JB/119/159/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 119.
17-18 |
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panopticon |
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panopticon bill |
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copy/fair copy sheet |
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