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Panopticon Bill Settlement
Art. 44. The Court may also over and above such incidental Order as aforesaid
-- and make eventual orders depending
upon the subsequent
completion of a sufficient ground
give a conditional or eventual Order of Judgment in relation to the merits, adapted to
such state or states of the case as shall appear most likely to be verified by such amended
order upon the return thereof, declaring at the same time upon what event
or events such conditional order or judgment shall become absolute and definitive: and
may declare in what respects the same shall upon becoming definitive take effect as if
it had been definitive in the first instance.
Art. 45. Every signature purporting to be the signature of any particular
Signatures to be deemed genuine
without proof, in default of
denial on Oath --
person shall prima facie be deemed the signature of that person: and so it shall continue
to be for ever unless being in effect not the signature of that person he or she or
some other person intrusted shall upon suspicion or discovery of an act of forgery or
falsification committed in respect thereof have used sufficient diligence in protesting against
the same: which protest shall be upon Oath and if the party to swear be already present
in Court or can conveniently be therein caused to appear shall be made viva voce: if
not, by affidavit, the form whereof shall be settled by the parties under the direction
of the Court.
Art. 46. Every paper containing a signature purporting to be the signature
-- and signed papers, genuine in
of any particular person shall prima facie be deemed as to the whole of it the
declaration & act of that person and that without addition, subtraction or alteration: except
in as far as on account either of the matter or the handwriting thereof any suspicion
to the contrary may arise: and so it shall continue to be as against any person who if
the same were counterfeit or materially & unduly altered would be prejudiced thereby:
that is to say untill some such person shall have made protest as aforesaid.
Art. 47. The person whose handwriting any signature purport to be,
Parties examinable in proof of
their own hand-writing --
may, if he be present in Court, or can conveniently be made to appear therein, be examined
although he be a party touching the genuineness of such signature.
Art 48. Any paper, with or without a signature, in relation to which the
Unsigned papers appearing to
exhibit the declaration of a certain
person may prima facie be deemed
his without proof --
Court shall either by the nature of the contents, by comparison of hands, or in consequence of a
declaration of belief made upon oath by any person present, or on any other grounds be of opinion
that the same was of the handwriting or dictation of a certain person, or by him meant
to be taken as and for a declaration by him made may accordingly be so deemed prima facie
and that, although the witness declaring such his belief should not be able to to testify the
fact of his ever having seen the person in question actually engaged in the act of writing.
Identifier: | JB/119/295/003 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 119.
43-48 |
119 |
panopticon |
295 |
panopticon bill |
003 |
copy/fair copy sheet |
4 |
recto |
d29 / d30 / d31 / d32 |
39806 |