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Panopticon versus N.S. Wales. Introductory Note
Private to Ld Pelham
9 Aug. 1802
No 12.
Title in case of impression
Panopticon versus New South Wales: containing a comparative view of the Penitentiary
system and the new penal Colonization system in respect of their
subserviency to the several ends of penal justice: in a latter to Lord Pelham &c
to which may perhaps be subjoined some observations on Colonies in general.
Introductory Note. private to Lord P. The sheets now detached, were written
in the course of a Narrative, which though at its outset destined to be submitted
in the way of private communication, to the Noble Lord to whom
it is addressed, became in its progress too voluminous for manuscript.
In case of publication, a word or two, to do away the abruptness of
the commencement, would be prefixed of course.<p>
<p>The three of the four grounds of "relinquishment" of which
this makes the fourth were 1. Lapse of time 2. Encrease of terms (Panopticon.)
3. Improvement in existing Prisons. [The fourth: being the "improved
state of the "Colony" of New South Wales]. The documents in which
the disposition to "relinquishment" is manifested, are those printed in "Further
"Proceedings of the Treasury" 12th June 1801. Not long after, the intention — the
unchanging and unchangeable intention — of establishment instead of
relinquishment was most vehemently asserted, in a conversation brought
on by design, under the mask of accident, for the purpose of evading
my demand of justice, against suppressions having the effect of forgery,
committed in support of insinuations so glaringly false that, though official, no man could be found bold enough to authenticate them
with his name: (See "Further Proceedings of Treasury 15<hi rend="superscript">th July 1800 p.50</hi>"
an omission altogether unprecedented. The course taken for impressing me
with the belief of an intention never entertained, was the accusing me,
with an air of affected peevishness, of stupidity for so much as doubting
of it, or rather of insincerity for pretending to look upon it as dubious.
But the utter falshood of those protestations was as fully known to me at
the time, as it has since been abundantly confirmed by the event.
The pretended intention of establishment upon a reduced scale, with
compensation for the deficiency, was seen through at the instant. The
falshood of the protestation is established by those very declarations of
the protestor's own, which are in print, and which in the confusion
of trembling guilt he had forgotten, together with every thing else
that he had ever done, or read, or written, or said, in Parliament
or elsewhere. The intention expressed in the documents is neither relinquishment
nor establishment, but wither the one or the other, to be
determined by the computed convenience of each moment, according as fear
of disgrace, or confidence of impunity, might happen to predominate.
Identifier: | JB/120/017/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 120.
1802-08-09 |
120 |
panopticon versus new south wales |
017 |
panopticon versus n. s. wales introductory note |
001 |
no. 12 |
correspondence |
2 |
recto |
f18 / f19 |
john herbert koe |
1800 |
1800 |
copy of letter 1711, vol. 7 |
39843 |