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18 Feby 1862
§.8. Observations on the Duke's dispensing power
he was just the sort of man that, in a case like that a most noble person in his
Grace's high situation could wish to have to dealt
with: a man you might do anything with:
a the very man whom his Grace's Right Honorable friends
had been doing what they pleased with for as long
as may any could remember, without experiencing
the smallest inconvenience: a man whom nobody
had ever thought it worth while to deed up for a Parliament
or any where else: in short a man who might
be upon, ⊞ ⊞ by noble, nor most noble, and Honorable and Right Honourable a most excellent and for the purposes persons till he were tired to death, without any either risk or
This the noble Duke heard – and that he and
understood – as well as he ever understood any
thing – from Mr William Baldwin: and
understanding this this much, he understood every thing
and in so high an office so extremely noble
a person need stoop ever stoop to trouble himself with to understand.
But what evidence of all this conversation?
says Your Lordship – My Lord, none whatever:
none but the evidential it and : the evidence
of things under which expression such persons may
be included: Your Lordship knows the Noble
Duke most perfectly extremely well. Knowing the noble Duke
your Lordship must, more or less, have the honour
of knowing Mr William Baldwin. My Lord,
neither his Grace nor Mr Baldwin ever communicated
to me a single syllable of what is
above – dark night – middle of the night –
nobody by – and yet, my Lord, I am in
your Lordships judgment whether there be a single
syllable of it that is not true.
Identifier: | JB/121/389/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 121.
1802-02-18 |
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Panopticon |
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Inessentialia Observations on the Duke's dispensing power |
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"Recto" is not in the list (recto, verso) of allowed values for the "Rectoverso" property.
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