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7 Apr. 1802
Dispensing power
2. Thus far as to so much of So much for the evidence of criminal consciousness, as coming arises out of the
tenor of the act itself in the repugnancy to which the illegality of the conduct
of the accused party consists. Now as to such evidence as arises out of the tenor of
If then therefore this have all I could not bring my
I say then my Lord, if what your Lordship has seen on the face
of the law itself were the only evidence in the case, I could not bring myself
to believe that in giving what he does as
the object of the Act, the Duke understood himself
to be conforming his views and intention
to what he understood to be the views will and intentions
of Parliament in a word to be paying obedience to the will of Parliament. But he does not so much
as profess so to confine himself to pay any such
obedience. He professes the direct contrary. He
sets up in express terms in terminis his own notions or
pretended notion of expediency as the standard
by which his conduct is to be guided governed: and by those
notions he is determined that if this latter of the two classes of convicts that not one of a
single individual shall ever go into be consigned to any such
Penitentiary House if he can help it it be possible
to keep him out of it: to go into a Penitentiary
House any such person must be "turned out of" one of
"the Gaols", and his declared undissembled determination is
that "unless the crowded state of the Gaols should
"render it absolutely necessary" "no such person shall
be moved from the Country Gaols.
Not content with giving the "inexpediency" of
the measures required by Parliament to be carried
into effect as the final cause a consideration which determined
him to prevent the that same measure from being carried into
effect, he gives assigns declares us a statement of the considerations
on which in the character of reasons his
pursuance of such inexpediency is grounded. Whether Of what
these complexion these reasons are, good or bad – is the
Identifier: | JB/121/456/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 121.
1802-04-07 |
121 |
Panopticon |
456 |
Dispensing power |
001 |
Text sheet |
1 |
"Recto" is not in the list (recto, verso) of allowed values for the "Rectoverso" property.
F19 |
001 |