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Form E.4
IX Friendly Guardians
Assignment of by the Prisoner of the Wardship
of a quondam Penitentiary Man or Woman Prisoner
to the Wardship of a Friendly BondsmanGuardian
General Panopticon Penitentiary House [Date Month Year]
I. Recital
Know all well that 1. Whereas the term
a Penitentiary Prisoner in the said
of A.P. <del>in the General Panopticon Penitentiary
House doth this day expire, and [Whereas
2. Whereas F.B. at the request of the said A.P. hath undertaken
the Wardship of in pursuance of the Statute of the 34 Day Month Year of his: 3 Majesty
A.P. undertaken the Wardship of the said A.
P. in the capacity of his Friendly Bondsman, Guardian]
and 3. And hath this day executed in my favour a
proper Bond for that purpose.
⊞Accordingly ⊞ 4 And whereas the said A.P. hath declared himself desirous of being committed to the Guardianship of the said F.B. under the authority of the said Act:
5. And whereas he the said A.P. hath expressed his desire and intention to excuse [here name the place] the occupation of a [] and the said F.B. with the permission and assistance of the said F.B.
6. Which permission and assistance the said F.B. hath accordingly declared himself ready to give:
II Assignment
Know all Men that I the Governor of the said Penitentiary House
do hereby assign over to the said for the in pursuance of the said Statute and but
being of a year from the date hereof under the limitations and conditions hereby subjoined assign
to the said F.B. the wardship of the said A.P.
but upon the conditions following to the intent that to the intent
1. That as often that he the said A.P. may repair
to (here mention the County and Parish and County or the place aforesaid
if in a Town the County Town and Stand] and
there to exercise the occupation of aforesaid.
text sheet
jeremy bentham
Nevertheless that my aforesaid and herein
is subject to the and conditions following, viz </del</p>
<p>2. That as often as the said A.P. shall change
the place of his said abode he shall within a
week after such change give advice to me thereof,
with a direction by which he may be found by any
one and in particular by the Post.</p>
Identifier: | JB/124/096/001