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Petition for
Subsidiary Examination Petition f
Petition from the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish
of [] in the County of [] to the Justices of
of to the GeneralJustices in Sessions of the Peace for
the County of [] praying in General Sessions praying an Order of ⊞ ⊞in order virtue of the General Panopticon Penitentiary Act Statute 34. Geo: ch. §. Deputation
to a Justice for taking the subsidiary Examination of
A.E. touching the place of Settlement of A.P. Penitentiary
Man in the General Panopticon Penitentiary House
[Parish Town County] this day of [Month Year]
To his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County
of in General Sessions assembled
The Petition of A.O. Q.B. O.&c. Overseers of the Poor
for the Parish of aforesaid humbly sheweth
1. That on the day of [Month Year] your Petitioners received
1. That a Paper purporting to be an Order of Adjudication
a true copy whereof is hereto annexed a Paper purporting
to be an Order of Adjudication from A.J.
& B.J. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of deputed by the Justices of
the Peace for the said County in General Sessions assembled
acting in virtue of the said Statute § under
a Deputation from the Justices of the Peace for the
said County in General Sessions assembled, and declaring
the last legal place of Settlement of ththe
said A.P. to be in our said Parish, together
with the Examination of the said A.P. ⊞ ⊞(Here also add the name mention the Examination, if any, of any other witnesses) being the evidence
on which the said Order was grounded. was by
2. That
2. That
Identifier: | JB/124/163/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 124.
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panopticon |
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001 |
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jeremy bentham |
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