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And be it further enacted by the authority
aforesaid, that it shall be lawfull for the said Commissioners,
or any one of them, or for any Person or Persons, being an
Officer or Officers of the said Commissioners, at all times and
See the obsert on the last page
in all Places to require and Command the aid and
assistance of any and of every High Constable or High
Constables of the aforesaid respective Divisions and of
any and every petty Constable or Constables Headborough
or Headboroughs watchman or Watchmen or any Beadle or Beadles or other Officer
or Officers of the Peace, appointed in and for any Parish
Liberty, precinct, or place, within the said District, as
often as such Commissioner or Commissioners, or any
And of every High Constable and Petty Constable
one of them, or any person or persons, being an Officer
or Officers appointed by the said Commissioners shall
think it necessary to proper for the apprehending of
offenders, or preventing Offences against the Peace, and
the said High Constables, and Petty Constables or
Headboroughs and the said Watchmen & Beadles, and other Officers
of the Peace, or any of them, are, and ever of them, is
hereby required immediately to obey such request and
to assist and attend upon the said Commissioners, or
other person or persons being an Officer or Officers of
the said Commissioner or Commissioners by all ways
and means in his or their power, and as the case may
Identifier: | JB/150/018/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 150.
150 |
police bill |
018 |
001 |
collectanea |
1 |
recto |
f21 |
[[watermarks::propatria [britannia motif]]] |
50239 |