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And whereas the sd Governors Trustees Vestrymen Directors Managers
or other persons who have the Appointment & direction of the nightly Watch & Patroles
& for some of the Parishes Liberties precincts and places within the said district may
Judge it necessary to employ a great number of Watchmen and patroles or to give them
better pay than can be furnished and supported by the money authorized by Act of Parliam<hi rend="superscript">t

to be raised for the maintenance & support of the nightly Watch within such parishes
liberties precints and places
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if
within any parish liberty precinct or place within the said District the Governors
Trustees Vestrymen Directors Managers or other persons who have the appointmt and dir
& direction of the nightly Watch and patroles shall at any time or times judge it necessary
to employ a greater number of Watchmen and patroles or to give them better pay or both
than can be furnished & supported by the money authorized by act of Parliamt. to be
raised by an rate of assessment now made or to be made for that purpose then it shall
& may be lawfull for such persons as are authorized to make the Sd. rates & assessments
to cause an Additional rate or assessmt. to be made for maintg. such additional number
of Watchmen & patroles or furnishing such Additional pay or both as they shall from
time to time Judge necessary for the better protection of the Inhabitants of such
Parish Liberty Precinct or place respively so as the money to be raised by such added above the rates and assessments which such pson as aforesaid are b now by Law
authorized to raise for maintg. the nightly Watch and patrole any Act or Acts of parliament
in to the contrary notwithstanding.

Identifier: | JB/150/039/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 150.


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police bill

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curteis & sons


Paper Producer

edward blaquiere


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Notes public

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