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of a set of
bious vi-
for conveying
rough and its
brances with
by land
A of giving
body of troops
actually been
ved and pra
The means
effect thus
are produc
neither nor less than
iving to the
ages, whichever
are which
be otherwise employed
convening the
hed as well
baggage and
sion) by over
only, an amphistructure a form
enables them
conveyed employ'd with
facility by in
and water
These carriages
so far from requiring
any additional
power or apparatus
for conveying
them and their contents
across a river, serve
even when loaded to the
utmost conveying
in addition
to their
ordinary contents
as many men
a number of
men equal or
of necessary greater
than that of whole
the body of troops
to which the quantity
of encumbrance
in question
is attached</p>
To an army
thus provided
a river affords is no
obstacle. They It
can at any
time surprize,
they can never
be surprized.
Against Before such an
army, the strength of a country
now reported strong
as whatever strength
a country owes
to its being intersected
by canals or rivers, vanishes
Of all the variety
of incumbrances
that an army
can ever
have occasion
to carry
in its such
there is not
one to which the
conveyance of
which the same
principle may
not equally be
applied: cannon cannon
sick and wounded
then not exception
When this invention
is moreover
or offer water
nothing spent is
ever carried by
or with
an army need
ever occasion any thing to
be left behind:
cannon even
battering cannon
and that of the
heaviest kind may
be convey'd at the
same time & on the
same principles
while by posting
themselves behind
a they can
cover themselves
ag from present
Not only no
greater number
of beasts of draught
be would be
required but
than would otherwise
be employ'd
but even a less
number might
serve: and thus
an account of
some function
which in its
when used by
hand the vehicle
in question has
In a country
intersected by canals
or rivers whatever
strength is possessed by ground
so circumstanced
is all of it on
the side of an
army thus
provided: and
the greater the
degree of strength
thus derived
the greater the
advantage with
which such an
army must
Convoys escape
Convoys and other
parties otherwise
weak peculiarly
exposed to attack
may in this way
only by being crossing sent
across a river find
themselves in perfect
been made to possess
over land carriages.
To the course
of trial by which
the success of the
invention was proved
through the numbers
of those carriages thus and
employed not
great the length trail
of march country thus traversed was very
considerable in the including
course of which a
number of rivers
were traversed without
stopping, one of them
rossed, near 3 miles
broad, and the
fresh & contrary.
Identifier: | JB/157/028/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 157.
157 |
panopticon |
028 |
cancelled |
001 |
rudiments sheet (brouillon) |
2 |
recto |
jeremy bentham |
[[watermarks::l munn [britannia with shield emblem]]] |
benjamin constant |
53398 |