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cannot I shod think, be much for the advantage of
the house where they are, but of this you are the
best Judge. perhaps many of the Books might not
be worth taking with him to Oxford, but if I shod
send his younger Brother to Westmr. they might
be of use to him; however it is not the value of
'em but the regard I have for the order of the
house in particular, & the School in general, that
was my Inducement for giving you or myself any
trouble upon this Occasion.
The kind Treatment & Civilities my Son has
met with in the Course of his Progress thro' Westm<hi rend="underline">r</hi>
School, will ever be remember'd by me with the
greatest pleasure & engage my warmest wishes for
it's Credit & prosperity. I am particularly to
acknowledge your tenderness & Indulgence towards
him, which I doubt not but he will retain a
grateful sense of, as well as,
Your obedt hble Servt
P.S. If any of his School fellows
had had a mind for any
or all of his Books, I shod
have had no objection to his
giving 'em, where he thought fit.
Identifier: | JB/537/037/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 537.
1760-10-13 |
537 |
037 |
002 |
Correspondence |
Jeremiah Bentham |