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know he keeps it from his left. I have never heard him mention the
least word about the matter. I am inclined to think he surveys it with the
same phlegmatic indifference he or appears to do does every thing else — that temper of
his, at the same time that it does not admit of any extraordinary flights
of benevolence, serves effectually to keep any resentment if he formed any
from appearing; this I must say, I have always had reason to believe
benevolence predominant. My Aunt's Death has no share it in producing
this discontent, but only in discovering it: Mr Mulford now intends,
(and the Devil I believe, if he was so disposed, could not keep him
from it) to throw off the mask which he had kept for his Mother's
sake — as to the Will it was made in 1752, and with Mr Mulford's
knowledge, who had, as soon as made, a copy of it.

I am sorry poor Sammy must unavoidably lose his Country-house
this Summer; we shall not however be deprived of it for the future
as I expected. My Uncle tells me he intends to continue this house,
that my Aunt may have a place to come to in the Summer for in Winter
she will be chiefly at Bath, and that there may be a place, as
he says, where we may all meet: Mr Mulford mentioned among the rest.
his business he says fixed him to Whitechurch, but he is not fond of
it, and thinks to retire here in his old age.

My Uncle has very kindly told me he intends giving me 10 Guineas
for mourning; but as I have mourning of my own, he makes me the
offer, which you may imagine I cannot refuse of taking me with him
in his journey to Buxton and whatever expense should be incurred beyond he
will take upon himself" my Aunt indeed claims to make upon her her share of the extraordinaries.
— They propose setting out the beginning of next

Identifier: | JB/537/216/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 537.



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