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P. C.
2 | last | for "numbers" read "Mainbres"
5 | 3 | for "terrible horrible read "terrible"
7 | 14 | for " the Ass" &c to "her heels" read

Dear Sam

What is above what was not written for your thy
instruction: but seeing this was the first sheet I happened to
lay my hands upon, I though it meet to send it unto

Dear Sam
I thought you had been dead: but seeing thou
hast now at length written unto me; my conclusion from
thence is that you art alive: at least (for I would not be too hasty) that thou that you wert so
at the time thou wrotest the letter which I have received.
"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" and the Lord
haveth things as he finds them — he hath left thee:
blessed be the name of the Lord.

Thou seest I have not drawn the same conclusion concerning
thee which a certain man had once drawn concerning
him from the like premises: It was the Almanack-maker
Partridge. "Verily he is dead" said
a man of God, whose name was Swift: "for such stuff
"as this of his could no man alive have written" O Samuel,
thou art slow to write: Yet when thou dost write perhaps thou
deservest not altogether to be blasphemed.

Thou hast said much unto me: It regardeth much to
answer thee: I wrote unto thee not in order, but as the
Lord putteth words into my mouth: or, if it so please
thee, into my pen.

A black colour still wanting, sayest thou? Burket knoweth
the solution of Silver in the water which is called
Aqua fortis: and asketh he still after a black colour?

How far hast thou got in Euclid? give me a few details on that subject in thy next

Identifier: | JB/537/288/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 537.



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Jeremy Bentham



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