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Bespeak a quantity of Iron-filings against we have occasion
for it: now is the time, that we may not be at a stand
for want of materials, when experiments occurr to us that we wish
to try. I shall want to make some examination into Air phlogisticated
by Pyritic mixture. I do not recollect precisely, but
I have a notion that, according to Priestly's experiments, Air phlogisticated
this way is not dephlogisticated by vegetation. That
the case in this respect is Common
it is or by having served to burn any thing:
the same with Air phlogisticated by having decompounded
Nitrous Air: and in short that it is only when phlogisticated
by aw...al or .. respiration or putrid efflusion, that it is dephologisticated
by vegetation.

Along with my essence of Priestly you have one or two sheets, I
forgot which, but I believe only one) containing heads for a
Synopsis or Abridgment, of my own contriving, not extracted
from him — let me have that; by bringing it with you , if we
are to meet at Southampton; or by the post conveyance.
suppose you were to bring a book of Geometry to Mr
Mulford's, and as you go by Sea, where you will have
Stowage in plenty, why can't you as well bring the
whole Air apparatus, that we male may figure away
at the Doctor's. I have bought your Cork-Jacketts, they
are to go to morrow by the Brompton's Coach, the Compass
I hope will answer your purpose. it costs 12 Sn. I bought
it at Gilbert's upon Ludgate hill; neither Martin nor
Adams had any such thing. the Corck Jacketts cost £2.3. St
along with them you'll have a book upon ye subject.
I wrote to my father on Saturday, pray don't you

Identifier: | JB/537/311/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 537.



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