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Dear Sam,l

Your last of the 10th inst.t gave me much pleasure and do
not the least disapprove of your late Journey to Portsmouth, nor do
I recollect yt I said anything in my former, to diswade you
from it, if I did, it was rather in conformity to what you yourself
had expressed to me upon ye Subject, and in a Letter to your
Brother I said, by way of hint to you yt you might as well have gone to Portsmouth
from Battle as the shortest way — but as things happend you
manag'd very well to avail yourself of your friend Peaks'
company, & of the opportunity of Conveying Mrs. Davies house.
I was glad to find you took occasion to make yourself
personally known to Mr Hunt, that may possibly be of Service to you
in some respect or other hereafter, you did well to see
Mr. Mulford, by his importuning you to stay, you may
conclude that a visit to him, whenever it suits you
may find a welcome, suitable to the degree of
Relation & affinity, which he stands in to you - that
you continue upon the same footing as before in Chatham
yard gives me much Satisfaction, as dos your Account
of Mr Pownell's behaviour upon the Occasion. as you
have now, my dear Sam, nothing else to engage your
thoughts, you can't better employ yourself than by
collecting from observation & otherwise, every article
relative to your Profession, that may contribute to the
compleating of the Plan, you are upon, so as to
make it conducive to your recommendation, to those
who may have it in their power to serve you in
the way you cou'd wish — I am glad to find your
Brother continues to be so well pleas'd with his

Identifier: | JB/538/139/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 538.



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