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Monday eveng: Novr 24. 1777. Brompton

Hon:d Sir

A letter from you without date which I suppose
was sent on Monday, reached this place on Tuesday and was put
into my hands on Wednesday, but in circumstances which render'd
it impossible for me to answer it. Details you must excuse
my giving you till we meet. Suffice it in general that Sam
and I have been employe'dg from last Saturday sennight to
this day in managing some concerns of the utmost consequence
to this family. Wise (who is a most worthless fellow) has absconded
with a load of debt upon him, and left his wife and 5
children, the eldest not 7 years old, without a penny. Mrs Heworth
his wife's and Mrs Davies's mother he has defrauded
of £600 besides £150 which was lent him without any fixt
expectation of his repaying it. Just before I left Battle, I got
him to make over his effects to her by a Bill of Sale. We
have been to secure them which we have successfully accomplished,
having got the start of executions. To these cares, &
others relative to the same occasion, has been added that of disposing
of the distressed family. Thay are now at Maresfield
41 miles from London in or near the road through
East Grindstead to Brighthelmstone. They are at the house of
a very decent tradesman whose wife is sister to a maid
servant who had lived many years with Mrs W. and whose
behaviour to her mistress has been a singular example of fidelity
and affection. It has been a burthensome office but
one that our situation forced upon us. My part of it is now
pretty well at an end and Sam's nearly. Nothing is as yet
determined on concerning the place and manner of supporting
them. At Maresfield they can not stay beyond a month. This
house will not hold them, & there are other obstacles to their coming
here. It is a fertile subject, but I must put an end to it.

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