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St Petersbourg Oct.r 3th 1780

Why does Anderson give into the Royal Society such papers as that on the distilling a spirit
from Potatoes. Why not rather turn it to private advantage if he finds it likely to succeed so
well. It may not signify as to this paper in particular because I think I have hard somewhere
in my travels of a spirit being distilled fro Potatoes: but any such oeconomical improvement
I should know, if he did not, how to turn to a good account, here, or at my friend
Chodkiwick's in Poland. Do Potatoes do in a sandy soil? or what is it that a sandy
soil pe may be employed to the in? The corn in general but small
in thereabouts.

---page break---

since my return from J.B. from Q.S.P.
May - 9th June 5th
gone to Constant- May13 th June 20th
May 11th
for it back, May 15 July 10th June 27th

---page break---
News Papers

You will be putting now any Anderson's newspaper for which you
will be paid 8 pence a mark under an injunction to spend it in buying newspapers.
This is the way I explain the 2 copies which you will get for your trouble. If you had the
management of a newspaper and a share in the profits I think it would be mighty
well; but you are too much and always have been and always will be too much
the servant of other people. You have brought me up also in that habit,
so that I do declare I seem on many occasions to ap attend to the interest of
others with greater perseverance than to my own — One time or other I may
yield some matter for this paper however, but not as yet.

---page break---

Porter may not reach London this month or more for what I know
he stops at several places in his way, and some considerable time at
Amsterdam. You mention needing some sheets of introd. to May.
Why a part? That has the appearance of consulting him upon though at a time
when his opinion can be of service. When if it is published then I should
wish much you would send him a copy but with no long letter. A Complimentary
note of 2 lines is quite sufficient.

---page break---

Having omitted to send you Barstow's letter in mine of last post as I promised I tear off this
half sheet on which I had written something and make it serve as a cover for which I do not pay double.
I have several pieces of paper begun upon for you and my father but cannot finish any by this post. I sent you a letter
by last post which after having directed to you I put a foursheet addition to Q.S.P. in case of your not being in the way. The purport of
it was that some of you should try to get one the at Dantzig & the letter was ostensible for that purpose.
I have since heard that the place had no kind of salary. to it, notwithstanding Sir Trevor Cowry who on whose death it
became vacant corresponded with the Secretary of State odd that a man should do Government business without

Identifier: | JB/539/087/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 539.



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