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distance from England I promise myself for certain the
pleasure of seeing you all next winter. I asked leave of the
Prince to visit England for 2 or 3 months, he told me I might
have it for six months whenever I chose: but I thought it
on many accounts much better to receive my regiment
first as I should then be better able acquainted with what
changes may have been made that will influence my situation.
The Prince advised me to marry before I went to fix myself
in that country; but though such a wandering life is what
I may prefer to any other it is not likely I shall find a wife
of the same opinion. Whathever I do promise myself is that
when I come to England I may find many persons of tallent
& curiosity who may be desirous of spending a year or two
in the examining a country that affords such various objects.
I hope if you have found a person who wished to come here
as Surgeon to my regiment that he will have no objection
to go with me where though he certainly will have less business
he may spend his time more agreeably.

I am impatient to quit this abominable country 2 or 3 days
at most furthest I think to set off through Moscow but
not to Petersburgh till I have been to Omsk.

Not one letter yet from my brother since his arrival
in England so that any letter now though perhaps by the
stile are intended for him are directed to Q.S.P.
continue to direct to me at Petersburgh.

Identifier: | JB/541/013/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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