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too has had the misfortune of his having been being afflicted with a severe
Malady of the most melancholy kind, an Insanity, which rendered
him incapable of concerning himself, the least in the affairs of
Government: on wch accnt it became absolutely necessary for
Parliament to proceed to appoint a Regent that intended
Regent was the Prince of Wales; but unfortunately for him &
the Nation, He was so attached to a Set of Men about him
that every body saw a Change of Ministry wod immediately
be the consequence, and that all the King's Principal Servts
in the State would be dismissed. Mr Pitt & Lord Thurlow
the Chancellor were both of them to go out, which they themselves
did not oppose, but by their Steadyness & manly
Exertions, & their Popularity & Interests in both Houses of
Parliament they got the Bill brought into the House to be
so qualified as to restrain the intended Regent in the exercise of his power
in many respects, & in their attempts to do that, & the
opposition their attempts met with Messrs Fox, Burk, & Sheridan
and some others, who were to be the New Ministry under
the Regency, so much time was taken up in passing the
Bill thro' both Houses that it gave time for a Chance of
the King's Recovery which has just now happily taken
place, and he is now to the Surprise of every body —
perfectly restored to his health and right minded to the
great Joy of the whole nation, except those only who —
were to form the new Ministry & such as were immediately
connected with them — and by the Interposition & blessing
of divine Providence all the present Ministers continue
and the Nation is preserved from the Disorder Discord
& Confusion wch would have been the Consequence
every where from the wretched prospect that was —
opening upon us

Last Friday being the day that the King, in consequence
of his returning to his Convalessence, sent his Message
to both the Houses of Parliament by Commissers for the purpose
of acquainting them with his perfect recovery & his
compleat capacity to resume the reins of Government
a universal Joy was manifested throughout the
whole Metropolis & indeed throughout the Kingdom by
a general Illumination. Your Mother & I, to entertain
ourselves with the sight of the Illuminations, accompanied with
two other Ladies in my Coach meant to traverse all

Identifier: | JB/541/028/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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