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however natural it may be for a Parents Respects to be to extend his
extended views & wishes with respect to his children I have the less
to regret respect that the Satisfaction I am however become so much of a Philosopher by contracting mine to
content myself with the reflection that the Satisfaction my
Son Enjoys arises so much from himself that no
accidents of Life are likely to deprive him of it
while he has that share of health & Soundness
of mind he has at present & which seems to be
promise to be lasting and that it may continue
to be so, when I am no more, is a wish with
which, I persuade myself, your Lordship will
have the goodness to allow me to conclude the
trouble of I have now given you together with the assurance that I am
with the most perfect regard
my good Lord
Your Lordships most
obedt & very hble Servt
Jh B
Identifier: | JB/541/088/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.
1789-11-24 |
541 |
088 |
002 |
Correspondence |
Jeremiah Bentham |