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To the Advertisement proposed in my last I propose
to add N.B. It is not to go in foreign parts. The
language is not very Elegant, but I think will
suit the class of people it is intended for, and will
exclude the obnoxious Idea without betraying the
exact scene.

Your idea of allowing convicts to buy out their
times struck me as new & highly deserving of attention.
I take for granted you meant it should be confined
to their earnings while in the house: otherwise it
would not only give impunity to the rich, but
operate as a bounty upon robbery: since the more
a man took, the more he would have to buy himself
off with: and gangs would imdemnify one another.
And care would be necessary to be taken lest by
Collusion what did not come out of earnings should
be placed to that account. I have a Machine put
together these many Years for answering all such
questions: give me but an hour or two to wind it
up, You shall have the pro & con in its full extent
any time you please. This topic may come to be
considered amongst others in drawing the Bill
you are so good as to allow me to amuse myself

To make the thing easier to talk of, and to
enquire after the Bookseller's, I have given it
as you will see in the title page a particular
name in a single word, viz: Panopticon or the
Inspection House. Panopticon is already in use
a name for I forget what optical instrument
or raree shew in or by means of which you may

Identifier: | JB/541/160/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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