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September 9:<hi rend="underline">th 1790


S;<hi rend="underline">r

I am very Sorry to inform you, that every thing has fell
out as expected, Cherepanoff Arrived here the 20;<hi rend="underline">th of August
with but fifty two Men Leaving twenty three on the Road Sick,
his people Looked as if they had been just discharged out of a Spanish
Prison, half naked and half Starved, he Certainly has
behaved very ill, in Ordering the People to sell all their warm
Cloaths in Yakutsky, which we are now forced to Replace at
the Rate of Eight and ten Rubles a head; he made his
People Carry their Muskets and Equipage; altho' I hear
he paid for one hundred and thirty five Horses which he
Lett out to different Merchants on the Road. We are setled
on the River Urak 25 Verst from Okhostky, in Houses
belonging to M;<hi rend="underline">r Shellekoff, which I found all in Ruins,
I prefer the Urak to the Okhota as off the Mouth of the
Urak Okhota Lies a very bad bar; it was the first of Sept:<hi rend="underline">r
before I was able to begin cutting of Wood, which I am
Sorry to inform you is very bad and very small, and without
plenty of Rain, I Shan't be able to float a Single
Tree here this Year; M;<hi rend="underline">r Shellekoff has informed me he has
Received a Letter from you, Ordering me to build a Vessel
of 60 foot Keel, and I wou'd be very Glad know for
what Trade you design her, for if under English
Colours, you must send me Yellow, Red, Black, and
White Paint to make her Look as Like an Englishman
as possible, in the Spring I mean to Send about 50 or
60 Verst up the River to a place where there is
Large Wood; and in the mean time, I Shall begin

Identifier: | JB/541/166/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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