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Carriage is by Water, the Expence attending it
will be but a Little, be so good as to buy for me 20 Archines
of blue Velveret, it is here two Rubles and a half the Archine tho
in Irkutsky but a Ruble and ten or twenty Copecks, a hundred
Archines of Linen for Common Shirts, for all mine are
wore out with riding thro', the Woods, three pounds of Tea
and two pound of Sugar, ask the Colll; if we are to Sail
under English Colours, and if we are buy for me Blue
Cloth Buttons and trimmings for a frock; 7 Archines and
a half of Black jane for Breeches, and white jane for
two Waistcoats; as I have no Cloathes but Uniforms which
know wont do to wear in any part of China or India,
if you can get a Good Sheep skin Tube fit for covering
buy it for me as I have seen a very bad one sold here
for 50 Rubles, and 9 or ten pair of Thread Stockings
Get made for yourself a Tent, in Irkutsky & a Hair Net
to keep of the Muskitoes which are intolerable on the
Road, buy Likewise a Sadle and Bridle as you have
a thousand Verst to ride, fo and probably may not be
able to get one in Yakutsky, there is but 3 posts
for 7 hundred Verst so be sure not to forget
plenty of provisions at Least Sufficient for two
Months, I can give you but a poor account of
Orkostky as I lived there but a short time, it is
about as big as Berezov but not half so well
built, Desolation harbour or the River
Urak is 25 Verst to the Westward of Orkostky
Identifier: | JB/541/169/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.
1790-09-09 |
541 |
169 |
001 |
Correspondence |