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A German Couple Sickergen an Intimate & I may say an Admirer of mine
the only German whom I much admire, and the only Male liason I found
worth making in Vienna. I seem to be here in no want of Acquaintances
conducive to any Objects I may have in view. A Letter which I brought
from Prince de Ligat of Vienna (whom I forgot in Speaking above of his
Countryman) to the Marquise de Coigny, might have alone be sufficient
for my purposes; I have besides here an intimate Russian Army
Comrade, the young Duke de Richlieu. He is 2 or 3 days ago returned
from England, & seems disposed to give me most of his time during
my Stay; He invited me yesterday to dine at his House but I made
him rather take me to a Table d'Hote where there might be more to
be seen & heard. In the Evening we were with Made Coigny & Lady
Gower at the Theatre de Monsieur, and this Evening I am to call
on Lady Gower to go with her to another Theatre where we shall
profit for, perhaps, the last time of my Friend Richelieu's
Aristocratical Privilege of the best Box, which was attached to
his Post. He tells me at least that it seems nearly settled
that he should give up his Place & leave all open to the new men
that are to be put about the King. Lord Gower I have not yet
seen. Mr Simolin was mighty civil, I dine with him today.
If I determine to go to Court that will keep me till about
Tuesday next. The Aughinensi is so great here that People
affect not only our Dress but even our awkwardnesses, half
the young men one meets are indistinguishable by sight
from Englishmen. In Italy, & even in Germany one sees the
same disposition in some degrees. I have sent to find out
Mrs Perkins, & have for answer that she will be at home & glad
to see me any time in the afternoon. I was mighty glad to
hear from Lord Gower yesterday that in all probability matters
will be settled between my two Countries, without coming to
Blows, however great the Superiority of English Sailors, dearmost
it cost to get the better of a Country, the resources of which are

Identifier: | JB/541/246/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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