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pinches. Sir Ch. Bunbury who met him by accident t'other day
in the street attacked him on that ground and I believe made some impression
on him: for in conclusion his objections and difficulties seemed to
confine themselves to the tim apply not to the measure transaction itself
but only to the time. And this Mr B, really any authority the concurrence
from of Administration? was the a question of his to Sir Charles. This came
of my not having a scrap of a line to produce from you: though to
supply the want as well as I could I had taken upon
me to give him the option of addressing his answer either to me to you unsealed
at mine, or either at home, or sealed or open to you. I
should be sorry to see him till you had seen him: and I should
be sorry you should have seen him till you had seen the correspondence
on account of the state that is till you had seen the state of the case and the arguments
it affords. But if you do see him, and can not wait for
without having seen the correspondence, in my hands, let me beg of
you, if he states any thing from it, to desire to see at least that part
of it in his. He would tell you for example that I
represented myself as actually exposed to penalties in the event
of his non-compliance. To you he certainly would say this, for

Identifier: | JB/541/387/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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Jeremy Bentham



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