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prisoners will be altogether out of sight, not only of any house at present
existing, but of any house that can ever be built upon any other part of
Your Lordship's estate. The whole Thousand will be inclosed in a single
building of 140 foot diameter: that building, so far from being an eye-sore,
will, I hope, I may venture to say, be an ornament, to the neighbourhood;
not less than the Rotundo at Ranelagh is, to which it will have a
considerable degree of resemblance. It will be compleatly inclosed by
walls, with Guard-Houses on the outside, occupied by Guards, who by the
height of their situation will be enabled to observe not only what is doing
within, but what is doing without, to a considerable distance; who of
course can be sent to, or even called to, at much greater distance than
the situation of the ground and other objects may in every instance admit
of their commanding with their eye: and who of course will have orders
to lend their aid at all times, and during the night time more especially
to put a stop to any misdemeanor that may be attempted within
the circle of their cognizance, and to apprehend the authors: I say during
the night time: for the plan of management requires the walling to be well
lighted all round without as well as within. The Neighbourhood
therefore, being watched and even in some degree lighted at the expence
of the establishment, will, instead of suffering in point of security, be
greatly benefited. On the other side of each of the two roads which bound
the premises on the East and on the West, the land, I observe, is occupied
by Gardeners, whose grounds as such being inclosed by walls, must at
present be in a considerable degree exposed to depredation. These grounds
would receive an immediate benefit by the protection afforded them by
the Watch-Houses. —

Identifier: | JB/541/411/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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