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Your Lordship found it with this obligation lying upon it. The only
questions there can be (I rely upon Your Lordship's goodness for forgiveness if zeal
has betrayed me into Error) the only questions at least I can see, are that which
regards the time, and that which regards the price: and even this latter
was no question, until out of respect for Justice it was made so by me.

Your Lordship then will have the goodness to consider how
the case stands, with regard to the place in question. The Penitentiary
establishment is determined on by Parliament. The spot for the
reception of it, it is determined shall be a spot in which vicinity to the
Metropolis, and to the River, should be accompanied with that degree of
elevation which is deemed essential to the Health of so numerous an
assemblage of persons, so subjected to confinement: this decision is given,
with respect to the sort of place, by that same Committee (see the report
of 1784) in confirmation to that given by the twelve Judges, added to
the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker and the first Magistrate of the Metropolis;
the measure had already been sanctioned and the price of the place
expressed under the act of parliament by the verdict of a Jury. An
improvement is afterwards devised in this system, an improvement
deemed such in spite of predilection and every personal motive, by the very
persons (for such is their generosity and public spirit) whom it throws out
of office. It is deem'd such, and as such adopted and patronized, by an
administration, with whom the author had not the honor of the most
distant previous connection or prospect of connection whatsoever. This
improvement can not any more than the original plan, do without a
spot to rest upon. The building to be erected in conformity to this improvement
must then be set down in some Neighbourhood, and that a
Neighbourhood possessed of the above mentioned advantages. What
then is to be done? Shall the establishment be turn'd off, on account
of this improvement, from a more eligible to a less eligible neighbourhood,
or for want of a neighbourhood that might like to receive it, is

Identifier: | JB/541/415/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 541.



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